best of both worlds
How often do you get to go snowboarding and biking in the same weekend? Not that often, but it occurred this past weekend.
The 'core' five of us got together and went snowboarding at Stratton on Saturday. It has been too long since all five of us got to ride together. If you think spring is here and the snow is melting up north, you are wrong. Stratton got fresh snow on Friday and it was in the mid 20s on Saturday. Sounds like January conditions in late March! We rode our favorite woods (not going to reveal where) and spent hardly any time at all on the groomed trails. Rode hard for 4-5 hours. Fresh tracks in the woods (in late March!) and found some stuff to drop.
Joey showing us all up:


I woke up this morning with every muscle sore from such a hard day of riding yesterday. Struggled to walk Omega and then went back to sleep for a few hours. Finally got moving just before noon. Two huge breakfast burritos down and then I forced myself to get out on the road bike. The original plan was to do a long, slow and mellow ride with both Matt and Tony but Tony had to ride early in the morning and Matt got food poisoning. I resorted to going solo. Temps in the mid to upper 40s and sunny. Sweet!
Stuck to my plan of riding slow to keep the heart-rate down and spin out the legs. I meandered north up through Bloomfield and cut west into Simsbury. Wound up zig-zagging north and south through Simsbury riding aimlessly with no preset direction. Snapped some cool photos in the process.

Not quite. Its a slow day so 14mph is more appropriate.

Tobacco fields in Connecticut?

I guess so..

Eventually got onto a path that lead northwest into West Granby. Cut south from there towards Collinsville (right near the Nepaug Reservoir) and had to go over an unexpected hill coming out of W. Granby. This climb was rough for I wanted to keep the pace slow and intensity super low. Three hours into a ride and I'm climbing for a good twenty minutes. Oh well, I still felt good. Down into Farmington and then back west into West Hartford. I was out for around 4-4.5 hours. I am estimating I rode around 60 miles (cycling computer wasn't working.. that POS). Feel pretty good so I'm excited.

Guess I like shadow shots..
The 'core' five of us got together and went snowboarding at Stratton on Saturday. It has been too long since all five of us got to ride together. If you think spring is here and the snow is melting up north, you are wrong. Stratton got fresh snow on Friday and it was in the mid 20s on Saturday. Sounds like January conditions in late March! We rode our favorite woods (not going to reveal where) and spent hardly any time at all on the groomed trails. Rode hard for 4-5 hours. Fresh tracks in the woods (in late March!) and found some stuff to drop.
Joey showing us all up:


I woke up this morning with every muscle sore from such a hard day of riding yesterday. Struggled to walk Omega and then went back to sleep for a few hours. Finally got moving just before noon. Two huge breakfast burritos down and then I forced myself to get out on the road bike. The original plan was to do a long, slow and mellow ride with both Matt and Tony but Tony had to ride early in the morning and Matt got food poisoning. I resorted to going solo. Temps in the mid to upper 40s and sunny. Sweet!
Stuck to my plan of riding slow to keep the heart-rate down and spin out the legs. I meandered north up through Bloomfield and cut west into Simsbury. Wound up zig-zagging north and south through Simsbury riding aimlessly with no preset direction. Snapped some cool photos in the process.

Not quite. Its a slow day so 14mph is more appropriate.

Tobacco fields in Connecticut?

I guess so..

Eventually got onto a path that lead northwest into West Granby. Cut south from there towards Collinsville (right near the Nepaug Reservoir) and had to go over an unexpected hill coming out of W. Granby. This climb was rough for I wanted to keep the pace slow and intensity super low. Three hours into a ride and I'm climbing for a good twenty minutes. Oh well, I still felt good. Down into Farmington and then back west into West Hartford. I was out for around 4-4.5 hours. I am estimating I rode around 60 miles (cycling computer wasn't working.. that POS). Feel pretty good so I'm excited.

Guess I like shadow shots..